View Full Version : Christmas Greetings to all....

23rd December 2009, 07:12 AM
Hello forumites.

2009 has almost come to an end, Santa is on his way and we are all getting ready to put down our woodworking tools and replace them with some serious eating and drinking equipment on Christmas Day.

Boxing Day will be a different matter, back to the shed regaining some important me time and getting into those projects and ideas that aren't quite completed... that's me at least and I guess many others!

The past year has been exciting with us keeping up the tradition of bringing new exciting products to the Australasian market and in fact the world, with our customers scattered from Norway to Bolivia and beyond. 2010 won't be much different as we are currently evaluating several new products, stay tuned for some great announcements early in 2010.

We look forward to being of service and assisting with your woodworking.

Marita, Michael and I would like to thank you for your support throughout the year and WISH YOU AND YOURS a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS & a GREAT 2010

Grahame, Marita & Michael

23rd December 2009, 03:10 PM
Best wishes for the festive season to you and yours, Grahame. Thanks for the great products and service - looking forward to sending lots more of the hard-earned :C in your direction next year!

- Michael

24th December 2009, 09:20 PM

(hope you received the courier delivery from me last week)