View Full Version : WOODWORKING QUIZ for 23 Aug 04

Ralph Jones
23rd August 2004, 10:02 PM
Good Evening Friends,
Before stud finders came on the market.

What was the most economical method of finding studs without punching holes in the wall?


23rd August 2004, 10:15 PM
Good Evening Friends,
Before stud finders came on the market.

What was the most economical method of finding studs without punching holes in the wall?

Damn! I was going to say hit the wall with your hammer as hard as you can and the places where your hammer doesn't go through the plaster is where the studs are.

24th August 2004, 12:40 AM
Here in the land of Oz it's pretty easy to find a stud by tapping on the wall with your knuckles, a change in sound from a low thud to a higher pitched thwak indicates a stud.

Studs are also found hanging around swimming pools and disco's trying to impress the sheilas. Lots of them congregate in gay bars.

24th August 2004, 12:53 AM
Im saw a couple in Manly once, walking in step with their jackets over their right shoulders.............. not manly! :(

Bob Willson
24th August 2004, 05:12 AM
Use a magnet to find the nail heads that are already nailed into the studs.

24th August 2004, 07:47 AM
Use a magnet to find the nail heads that are already nailed into the studs.
And then try not to look disappointed when you discover that the magnet has detected a steel wall brace instead of a nail, and that there is nothing but "fresh air" (and the brace) where you've just drilled a hole. :D :D :D

Wood Borer
24th August 2004, 09:15 AM
Remove the plaster from the other side of the wall so the studs are exposed and then measure back from some common reference.

- Wood Borer

24th August 2004, 12:28 PM
I can always find stud finders are noisy useles buggers, whenever I am within two metres of one it flashes and whirrs and carries on like it's found something! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

On the other hand, (in the other hand?) I once had a client who ran one of the bars that Neil referred to above, and it would seem that whenever one of his "patrons" received a knock-back :eek: he/they would relieve all the built up tension by punching a hole in the "rest room" wall above the urinal.

One fine sunny day, in a fit of mischievous glee, we re-sheeted the wall with 18mm CFC (Compressed Fibrous Cement), result: new trend emerged at the bar: plaster on right hand! Four of the stupid bastards tried REALLY HARD to punch a hole where the last one was!! We really thought after the first one they'd learn, but no...they just took it as a challenge!!

Sometimes I love my job!
:D :D :D

Ralph Jones
24th August 2004, 09:47 PM
Good Evening Friends,
Those of you who stated that rapping on the wall are correct, as that is the answer I was looking for. I used to carry a drum stick that drummers use and when I got the high pitched tapping and the stick bounced more quickly, then I knew I was in the right spot.

Also since most electrical outlet boxes are mounted to a stud, all you had to do was locate which side it was mounted on and measure the normal layout distance to the next stud.

This is another reason I like the Estwing hammer as it is exactly 16" long from the tip of the handle to the top of the head, and once you found a stud all you had to do was to lay the hammer on the wall and place the nail next to the head with the handle bottom over the last nail driven.

Thank you for your support.
