View Full Version : traditional wax or EEE ultra shine

17th December 2009, 09:53 AM
Hi all,

Following my previous request, I have oiled my kitchen cabinet with feast wtason china wood oil. It came out beautiful.
Now it is time to think of waxing it.
I have another weeke to wait before waxing the cabinet and I would like your advices.
Basically it comes down to using traditional wax or EEE ultra shine.
all the visible parts on the cabinet that are going to be waxed have been sanded to 600 grit.
what would you recommend?

tea lady
17th December 2009, 09:56 AM
EEE isn't a finish in itself. Its an extra fine abrasive in a carrier. You could use it before the trad wax. Get yourself a swans down mop to use on a power tool. :cool:

17th December 2009, 10:07 AM
Use one swansdown mop for the EEE and another for the trad wax - otherwise you will get the fine Tripoli powder in your final finish

Jim Carroll
17th December 2009, 12:46 PM
Make sure you give enough time for the oil to properly cure into the wood then use the traditional wax.
If you do it too soon you could overheat the timber and the oil finish can leach out

Should be no need for the EEE.