View Full Version : kitchen bench finish

27th November 2009, 04:18 PM
Hi all,

I am currently finishing a kitchen bench. It is 2.2m long x 1.1m wide, has 8 draws (4 on each side) and a middle cupboard.
The top will be caesarstone.
I would like to know what you would recommend for a finish.
I usuallu use danish oil.
I don't want anything that looks glossy or plastic but something that could seal the bench so that it is sort of waterproof.
I read that tung oil will leave penetrate the wood and harden then leave a thin layer that is water proof.


27th November 2009, 04:43 PM
I have forgotten to add that the kitchen bench is all tasmanian blackwood.

27th November 2009, 04:51 PM
If you select a quality oil it will give you a mat type finish . It will slightly darken the wood and leave it a natural wood feel. My choice is Organ Oil hard burnishing oil, its a bit hard to come by. Next would be China wood oil. Tung oil is only one part of those oils as natural tung oil takes a week or so to dry.

4th December 2009, 12:50 PM
Ah yes, except that most tung oil products available, ie. like Feast Watson, Hymes etc use a combination of Tung Oil and Polyurethane and actually dry within approx 12 hours. I have used exactly this previously on my Kitchen Benches, floors (both old and new) and also bathroom vanity units.

It will succumb eventually to wear and tear, scratch etc, but the beauty with it is all you should need to do is give it a relatively light sanding back and re-coat with 1- 2 coats and it will be fine again for numerous years.