View Full Version : Sub Floor Help

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25th November 2009, 05:20 PM
I've got an area "under" our house which s about 5m x 5m, which is unfinished. I'd like to build a raised timber floor to make it a workshop.

I've only ever built decks/stairs before and usually with steel stirrups and 90x90 posts in that and then a bearer rebated the post.

I dont really have the height to do stirrup, post and bearer.

What I was hoping to do was just to use 90x90 as a bearer and some small LVLs over that, with stirrups every 1 to 1.2m. Thoughts?

I've never been a fan of concreting timber directly due to concerns over longevity (is that being a little igornant?). We'll be in this house forever (its brand new and well I cant see us ever moving) so I want to get it right.

The heaviest tool I have is an old planer/thicknesser - it'd be a couple of hundred kgs.

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f77/sub-floor-help-80813/)