View Full Version : Polishing/renovating porcelain bath

Reno RSS Feed
15th November 2009, 12:40 PM
Hey guys, I have a 40 year old bath, either steel or (probably) cast iron with an original porcelain finish. Considering the age it's actually in pretty good condition but the bottom is now dull with many very fine scratches caused, I guess, by abrasive cleaners.

I'd like to have a go at polishing the bath up, and was thinking of the green (al oxide?) polishing compound as used on mop buffs or auto cutting compound with an electric buff but wondered if anyone else has tried polishing up a porcelain bath or basin?


Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f78/polishing-renovating-porcelain-bath-78611/)