View Full Version : Pink Ivory?
12th November 2009, 02:45 AM
I am waiting for a small block of pink ivory to arrive. I am going to use this on a knife handle. I was told by one person,to boil it in wax until it is saturated and then finish it with oil. Another told me to use poly with UV block so that the color doesn't change.
Can some one give me a reason for the first. I have never heard of boiling wood in wax.
And what is the best finish for Pink Ivory?
Thanks for the help.
Claw Hama
12th November 2009, 09:23 PM
Pink Ivory? is that from pink elephants?:U:no:
13th November 2009, 07:39 PM
Leather boiled in oil / wax was used by the Romans to make armour, seriously tough stuff. Impregnating Pink Ivory doesnt make sense to me. Maybe the pink is an oxidation reaction?
14th November 2009, 01:04 PM
Claw Hama,
Is that what pink elephants leave behind, when they make their exit?:D
If the wood has too much exposure to sunlight or apparently heat, the pink starts to darken. I think oxidation ruins the original color.:(
I posted the question to get advice! What is the best procedure and finish for Pink Ivory?? I want something durable, beautiful, and that it does not change the color of the wood. I guess I want a perfect finish.
I have been hearing about CA finishes. Is that UV proof? Can it be combined with a UV resistant water Poly finish?
Lots of questions guys. Thanks for your patience and help.
14th November 2009, 08:33 PM
G`day you could use proof seal(feast watson) it`s a u v inhibitor Then maybe shellawax.
15th November 2009, 11:20 AM
Thanks for the help.
The block got here and is covered with wax. Griffin, who I bought it from, said that is done to these exotic woods so they don't dry up and crack.
Tomorrow I will clean off the wax and take a better look at it.
15th November 2009, 06:25 PM
Ciba Geigy have a UV stabilizer for timber flooring that would do Ok for your knife scales
Lignotstab 1198
16th November 2009, 03:54 AM
Thanks for the link and advice. I will try to track it down here in the USA.
17th November 2009, 05:36 PM
hello- i made a a pink ivory box with a set of pink ivory draughts to fit inside several years ago for my dad for xmas- he leaves this box out on a shelf, the box hasnt alterd in colour compared to the draughts which are never in the sun. the finish i used was u-beaut's eee followed by shellwax.
I bought a block of pink ivory and cut it with a handsaw outside on a bench before i could turn it, I had a bad reaction to the dust from cutting it outside!! and had to be very carfull when i turned it.
27th November 2009, 04:22 AM
Sorry to take so long in answering.I have not been here for a while.
Thanks for the reply. That is a great help! I will check out U-Beauts site for info on the eee.Also thanks for the heads up about possible allergic reaction.:2tsup:
<TABLE style="BORDER-TOP- 0px" class=tborder border=0 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center><TBODY><TR title="Post 1065949" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1>
I bought a block of pink ivory and cut it with a handsaw outside on a bench before i could turn it, I had a bad reaction to the dust from cutting it outside!! and had to be very carfull when i turned it. </TD></TR><TR><TD class=thead colSpan=2>15th Nov 2009 11:54 AM</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE style="BORDER-TOP- 0px" class=tborder border=0 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center><TBODY><TR title="Post 1065949" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1>
I bought a block of pink ivory and cut it with a handsaw outside on a bench before i could turn it, I had a bad reaction to the dust from cutting it outside!! and had to be very carfull when i turned it. </TD></TR><TR><TD class=thead colSpan=2>15th Nov 2009 11:54 AM</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>