View Full Version : Oiling Huen Pine advice
30th October 2009, 04:13 PM
My father in law just got some furniture made out of huen pine but he didnt get it the finishing work done as he wants to do it him self. all the surfaces have been sanded down to 320grit by the furniture maker
What oil would you recomend using his looking for a satin finish
the research that i have done some web sites say to sand with
first coat of oil and the oil between coates
600Grit Wet and Dry
800Grit Wet and Dry
1000Grit Wet and Dry
2000Grit Wet and Dry
is getting over 800Grit really needed<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
Barrie Restall
30th October 2009, 04:27 PM
Hi m6sports,
This may help if you are only going to use oil. Wet the pieces with water before oiling after using 400 grit. Leave overnight. Then sand off raised grain with 400 grit. Apply tung oil to saturation (may need several applications; I use hard burnishing oil, huan pine will soak it up). Leave to cure for a couple of weeks, then start sanding with 400 grit wet and dry using oil. Use soft cloth to rub the oil slurry well into the grain (this will lead to a glass like finish eventually). Continue up the wet and dry grades with the same technique. When you are satisfied with the smoothness you can stop (whatever grade above 800). Then buff with a buffing wheel using one of Neil's buffs.
Thats the basics, but there are variations. For example, you can use Traditional wax (or otherwax based stuff) for the final finish.
Others will no doubt offer their favourite methods. All require patience and time.
Good luck.
30th October 2009, 04:33 PM
Im not sure oil is a good choice for that wood, Ive never worked with Huen so I may be wrong. The problen with oil is on woods with variations in absorbsion you can get a patchy finish. With the sandpaper, its a question of getting it smooth and not burnishing the wood so do not be mean with sandpaper before you oil. I dont see the need for very fine sanding till the last coat, Then you do want to burnish. My choice on that would be shellac,
6th November 2009, 12:14 PM
thanks guys for the advice
we will be doing it in a couple of weeks as his ordered some Organoil
(it was recomended by the place that he orders the timber from in Tas)
once finished will post some pictures
6th November 2009, 12:28 PM
Oil is a bad choice for Huon in my experience.
It darkens it too much and in a few years it won't look like Huon.
Tex B
7th November 2009, 05:25 PM
If you want to keep the same light look, try White Shellac from Ubeaut. Gives a nice finish without darkening it near as much as oil.