View Full Version : Advice on leak in Spa plumbing

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29th October 2009, 08:30 AM
We are doing a bathroom makeover and have discovered that our new Spa has a leak. The spa is installed (mortar bed and wall battens) but not yet tiled around or bricked up at the front. It had to get installed this far before we could do a pressure test with the pump.

The leak (a very slow drip) is between a pipe and a T fitting for on of the jets. It is reasonably accessible but I am concerned the spa manufacturer is going to ask for it to be removed for repair (they should come and have a look in the next few days). Taking it out is a hard task and may result in damage to the spa, it was put in not to move.

My question is is their anyway to fix a leak between a PVC pipe and fitting, while leaving it in connected. It is a very slow drip and the pipe is captive at each end so I was wondering if a layer of solvent cement on silicone sealant would fix the problem. If the manufacture says take the spa out I would prefer to try an in place repair. This looks hard to repair properly even if the spa is out in the middle of the room the pipes all went together in a certain order, this one is in the middle.

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f78/advice-leak-spa-plumbing-78297/)