View Full Version : HWS has packed it in, now to choose a new one

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27th October 2009, 09:00 PM
The timing is brilliant I tells ya! House settled on Friday (Bought out ex-wife's share), and the HWS packed it in just last night. Good thing I've got some money spare, otherwise I'd actually be worried :)

Anyway, I'd like a little (Or a lot, if willing) bit of advice.

1. Any recommendations? I'm going to go for another storage system, and would like to get a recommendation on a good brand.
Currently I've got Alinta Gas' HWS PDF (http://www.alinta.net.au/pdf/2009_Winter_Alinta_Assist_Bill_Insert.pdf) up, and there's too much choice, being the Vulcan 135L (3star), Rheem 135L (3star) and the Rheem Stellar 330L (5star).

2. Relating to the above, what size should I go for? There's only two people in the house, myself and my housemate. Would the 300L unit be overkill?

3. Is getting the HWS replaced by Alinta Gas a good option, or should I try to find a plumber to do it? I don't mind cold showers, nor does the housie, so if enough people reckon Alinta is a bad bad choice, then let me know :)

Also, does anyone reckon that if I do get Alinta to do it, whether I'd be able to get their plumber to also install an outdoor shower for me?

Cheers :)

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f78/hws-has-packed-now-choose-new-one-78272/)