View Full Version : Cogito ergo sum

Dennis Millard
24th October 2009, 04:56 PM
One of the many joys of the 'Golden Years' is a chronic recurring backache, which sometimes even wakes me at night. Fortunately, however, my doctor has given me some medication which relieves the pain quite effectively.
The other night, woken with the familkiar symptoms, I struggled out of bed and groped on the dressing table for the small pill, which I keep there in readiness, I swallowed it with a glass of water and crept back into bed, heaping blessings on the advances in medical procedure.
When I woke in the morning, completely pain free, I was surprised to see the pill where I had left it the night before. What was missing, however, was a small shirt button which had come off when I was undressing.
Once again, I blessed the miracles of medical science, referring this time, in particular, to the concept of psychosomatic cures!

*COGITO ERGO SUM "I think, therefore I am" Descartes

24th October 2009, 06:08 PM
Placebo Domingo :rotfl:

Allan at Wallan
24th October 2009, 09:20 PM
Don't go wearing that shirt without the button though
... you will probably get back pain.:D


joe greiner
24th October 2009, 10:03 PM
All along, I've been storing surplus buttons and small nuts'n'bolts in salvaged pill bottles, preferably far from the bedroom. I don't want to contemplate the possibilities.:oo:
