View Full Version : Safety Tip

22nd October 2009, 01:04 PM
Remember when you slipped off the push bike seat onto the bar :-:C

Or the feeling you get when your sprinting down the field with the ball at your feet and some clown from the other team slides in and misses the ball on the ground :o:C

Or your LOYL promises to use a vice on a certain part of your anatomy:(:rolleyes::no:

Then there is the situation of moving a bench drill vice and Melamine board trying to balance them between you and the bench while attempting to change a drill bit.
All of a sudden that 24 kilos you lost matters as it could have prevented the slippage that takes place. Melamine board going one way and of course heavy drill vice going straight down. Sitting on stool does nothing to help the situation:doh: even though its on wheels. The corner of the vice which slides rather than fell connects with that same tender personal part and :oo::C

AND NO there will be NO photo's of bruising should any appear :~:no:

22nd October 2009, 01:14 PM
Well someone has to do it.



It makes my eyes water just reading it.


22nd October 2009, 01:48 PM
Aahhh! The eternal optomist. A person who drops a bench drill onto his gonads and discusses "bruising should any appear " :D

22nd October 2009, 02:01 PM
Googling the treatment for such an accident came up with no replies.

Did you go for the massage treatment or was RICE (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate) the preferred first aid:D:D:D:doh::doh::q:q


22nd October 2009, 02:14 PM
Sounds like the brother in law, he was trying to cut a post stirrup with tin snips and going for maximum force gripped it between the legs, well he did cut through it but he had the "left one" positioned unintentionally between the ends of the handle of the snips and, well he went green and then fainted. Brother and myself cracked up laughing, strangely my sister couldn't see the humour in it.

22nd October 2009, 03:03 PM
So at your (our) age, is the resultant swelling a good or a bad thing?

Kev Y.
22nd October 2009, 03:22 PM
I think you would be a bit too old to be considered for the Vienna boys choir :;

22nd October 2009, 06:26 PM
:lolabove::laughing1: Both me and LOML

Well I couldn't sing before hand Brudda and not gong to try now although I used to do a good impression of Pee Wee Herman Mr Base Man.

Calm ICE not RICE I believe is best for swelling but LOML said if I used the frozen pea's we wouldn't have any for dinner. I'll leave it at that not make comment about cold and what it does to those regions.

22nd October 2009, 09:50 PM
The R in Rice is for Rest.

22nd October 2009, 11:16 PM

2 phunny phellas.

23rd October 2009, 06:19 AM
I personelly do not want to see any pictures of the injured site, I could not stand the thought of the eye bleach!


Old farmer
23rd October 2009, 08:22 AM
My eyes, too, water at the thought but thanks you blokes for a great start to a new day.

24th October 2009, 07:56 PM
Gives new meaning to great balls of fire,sorry.:oo: