dan mosheim
19th October 2009, 01:02 PM
Hi ... I've been a full time furniture maker since 1980, and currently have four employees doing a variety of traditional, contemporary furniture and metalwork. For the last two years I have been writing a photojournal/blog detailing the projects and processes that flow through our shop. I have learned much from other furniture makers in the last 35 years and now am attempting to give back to the woodworking community some of the things we have learned ... I'll do my best tog et stuff in the right spot here ... Please correct me if I'm wrong and send me to the right place... There is a search box in the top left of my blog page if you want to try a specific topic, and, on my website in the section called 'New Stuff' each of the 30 items there has a blog link in the text description where you can see the project from conception to completion ... Here are a couple recent posts to get you started, or just go to my blog (http://dorsetcustomfurniture.blogspot.com/) and check out the latest posts. There's one on a personal woodshed (http://dorsetcustomfurniture.blogspot.com/2009/10/finished-woodshed.html) I finished recently, a walnut paneled room (http://dorsetcustomfurniture.blogspot.com/2009/08/furnished-walnut-paneled-room.html), a banjo (http://dorsetcustomfurniture.blogspot.com/2009/09/banjo-is-done.html) that my son and I made, start to finish ... some tansu style stairs (http://dorsetcustomfurniture.blogspot.com/2009/09/banjo-is-done.html) we sent across the country to California ...making a sailboat mast .... you get the idea ... check it out if you get a minute .. thanks ...enjoy ...
making a sailboat mast (http://dorsetcustomfurniture.blogspot.com/2009/05/finishing-sailboat-mast.html)
You get the idea ...
making a sailboat mast (http://dorsetcustomfurniture.blogspot.com/2009/05/finishing-sailboat-mast.html)
You get the idea ...