View Full Version : Insulation - How much space required around powerpoints?

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22nd September 2009, 06:20 PM
I'm installing Bradfords SoundScreen insulation and wondering...

How much space should I leave around...

Light switches?
Fan controls?
Power outlets?
Phone outlets?
Network outlets
Mains wires?
Regular wires?

The "regular wires" are new wiring that I had an electrician put in. He said they are fine to just put the batts over.

The mains wires are a combination of new and old (the electrician ran new mains wires for in future when we upgrade our fuse box but the old mains wires are still in use, it was just easier for him to run the wires while we had the wall off). The old wire is the one with a black rubber coating.


Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=77715&goto=newpost)