View Full Version : Elyseum vs. Other Floating Floors - Opinions Sought

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22nd September 2009, 03:20 AM
Has anyone had any experience with Elyseum floating floor products?


I went to their showroom/distributor today at:

But have a couple of concerns:
1. Does anyone know who manufactures these floors? They only seem to have an Australian website but when you visit the showroom the product is demonstrated as European/German.

2. I believe the coatings may be European but I am guessing the material is manufactured in Asia. Does anyone know? In the showroom the product is shown as "Elyseum Fertigparkett"

3. Is this material superior as it has a Havea backing board instead of Plywood? Has anyone had it installed and how does it fare?

4. How does the material compare to Readyflor or other similar products? It's supposedly better...

5. What do you all think of the pricing at:
$79 sq/m for Tassie Oak 1 Strip
$105 sq/m for Blackbutt 1 Strip

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=77707&goto=newpost)