View Full Version : Perth WW Show - lunch date.

Robert WA
2nd August 2004, 12:27 AM
Has any arrangement been made for members to meet for lunch this year. I recall talk of a badge and or T-shirts but no actual arrangement.

I am stuck with family commitments and can't get there til the Sunday. I hope to be there for most of that day. Those who go on the Friday or Saturday had better leave some of the bargains for me.

Pete J
2nd August 2004, 01:38 AM
Hello Robert

No arrangement yet that I know of, although I will be there both days and I have the permission of my beloved indoors to say so! :p You have been on the AWWFUL thread and so have seen Driver's naming invention. I plan to make one. As I will be there both days, I shouldn't suggest one way or the other on this but am looking forward to meeting up again with Driver, Rodm, Derek Cohen and more of our contributors. As I haven't been before, some suggestions as to venue would be welcome.

Roll out the advice of experience please! :D

On second thought - perhaps a Friday lunch, a Saturday lunch and a Sunday lunch would be good. If some one can suggest a standard venue, for a say 12.45 pm or 1 pm start, I could run a public poll which would let everyone know who would be there on any day.

(Whoever is in charge of admin here - can I vote twice on this poll?? :) )

Cheers all

Robert WA
2nd August 2004, 02:21 AM
There is really only one place to eat that I remember, a canteen type cafe.

Last year we all met in a foyer area inside the entry to the venue and found each other by good luck rather than good management.

I will make a lapel thingy and pin it to the bodice of my pink frock.

I intend to be there for the whole of Sunday morning so the time for lunch doesn't concern me very much. I will fit in with whatever is arranged.


3rd August 2004, 12:25 AM
Hello Robert

(Whoever is in charge of admin here - can I vote twice on this poll?? :) )

Cheers all

I don't think so. :(

7th August 2004, 04:50 PM
On second thought - perhaps a Friday lunch, a Saturday lunch and a Sunday lunch would be good. If some one can suggest a standard venue, for a say 12.45 pm or 1 pm start, I could run a public poll which would let everyone know who would be there on any day.

Last year, several of us met up just inside the main entrance - which is as good a place as any, I reckon.

The canteen-style cafe that Robert mentions is at the other end of the venue.

I'm aiming to be there on Saturday. I suggest that if members of the BB want to catch up, we should arrange to meet inside the main entrance at 12 noon on each day of the event. That way, those who can only get there on a specific day will have a chance of catching up with some of the others. Don't forget your home-made UBeaut badge!

Pete J - if you want to organise a poll to get a handle on who will be there on what day - go ahead. Otherwise, people could just add a post to this thread.
