View Full Version : greetings and such

10th September 2009, 03:14 PM
well here's the required greetings

taking an interest in the disability's discussions as i am learning to get around a workshop with the epilepsy problem that has developed on top of the diabetes i have.

i've had a few years work previous to that working as a chippie / grunt but the boss went bust before i was able to finish out a qualification and no chance of a job with the medical conditions (of which there is actually more than just those 2). so am just working out of a home shop making occasional bits of furniture and doing up pieces here and there.

and that's me. :)

10th September 2009, 07:54 PM
onya mate having a go is what its all about, hope you get hours of enjoyment , as I do , out of jost being a member here
all the best

11th September 2009, 07:44 AM
Welcome aboard my friend. I like your spirit. I hope you get plenty of work at home. Good luck and enjoy yourself here.:2tsup:

11th September 2009, 05:56 PM
Welcome to the site. You do have a positive attitude and that is always good.

Claw Hama
11th September 2009, 06:01 PM
Welcome DK, as the others have said, a bit of spirit, good stuff. You could find a vast improvement in your conditions once you start working with wood, it puts something into your system that warms the spirt and sole. Good luck and good health.