View Full Version : Solvent-Joining of very-tight-fitting PVC?...

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8th September 2009, 06:30 PM
Mein Herr's,

I've got to do a little joining of some rather expensive PVC fittings to do in the base of the Shower Recess; a Puddle-Flange into an 80x50 Reducer, and then the said Reducer onto a 50mm Waste-pipe. Only thing is - the height that the resulting assembly must end up sitting at is fairly important in the greater scheme of things, and the bottom-half of it all (ie. the Reducer joined onto the Waste-pipe) will have to be mostly-buried in the concrete floor long before it is time to glue the Puddle-Flange into it.

Now none of this would normally constitute a problem of any sort, except for the fact that both of the joins in question - when dry-fitted - are very, very tight, to the point where the male ends (ie. the bottom of the Puddle-Flange, and the top of the Waste-Pipe) aren't getting anywhere near the ends of their respective target sockets in the Reducer. For the full-bore Plumbers amongst you, the Reducer in question is a Vinidex 55570 "Level Invert Taper" (photo below). Perhaps it is a notoriously "tight-fit?" :?

Attachment 76395 (http://www.renovateforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=76395)

So the question is: Will the solvent enable such mega-tight-fitting parts to squeeze together, or should I fire up the Belt-Sander and give the male bits a gentle going-over in order to reduce their diameters?

The last time I did some joining (some Elbows and Frog-Flaps onto some 50mm) was over a year back, but I certainly don't recall the "dry-fit" of the various bits being anywhere near as tight as these new bits and pieces. I can't take the chance of not getting the Puddle-Flange down into the Reducer all the way that I need it to go, because there will have been an awful lot of work done (and Moulah spent...:-), just to get everything to that point. Even more work would then need to be done just to get back to "Square 1" again... (Oh, the heartbreak!...:()

Many Thanks,

Attached Thumbnails http://www.renovateforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=76395&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1252389313 (http://www.renovateforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=76395&d=1252389313)

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=77543&goto=newpost)