Reno RSS Feed
26th August 2009, 10:30 AM
Seems like a lot of people taking up the insulation rebate offer.
I was talking to a neighbour who was having insulation installed and asked why he was
not having a new heat pump installed instead.
His response was the insulation was not costing him anything and a new heat pump would.
I would have thought if anyone living in NSW would take up the offer of heatpump over
insulation as the rebate for hotwater is much greater.
I have just installed a new heatpump in an investment property which will only cost me $200.00.
Im told by 2010 you will no longer be able to buy a standard hotwater service
and when the rebates finish you will be up for $3800.00 for a new heatpump.
So am I missing something here.
If your in a situation where you do not have insulation or a heatpump surely a heatpump comes out in front.
Read the full thread at (
I was talking to a neighbour who was having insulation installed and asked why he was
not having a new heat pump installed instead.
His response was the insulation was not costing him anything and a new heat pump would.
I would have thought if anyone living in NSW would take up the offer of heatpump over
insulation as the rebate for hotwater is much greater.
I have just installed a new heatpump in an investment property which will only cost me $200.00.
Im told by 2010 you will no longer be able to buy a standard hotwater service
and when the rebates finish you will be up for $3800.00 for a new heatpump.
So am I missing something here.
If your in a situation where you do not have insulation or a heatpump surely a heatpump comes out in front.
Read the full thread at (