View Full Version : FEEDBACK Please on Sydney Tool Sale

19th August 2009, 10:49 AM
Fellas, if you look at the Hand tool Forum, you have already seen this request for feedback.

Feedback on the Tool Sale is much appreciated. For those who went, can you please indicate your views on:

* Location - how convenient to get to, parking
* Suitability of premises, layout of tables
* Catering
* Range of tools for sale
* Suggestions for improvement

For those who did not, but could have, gone - what changes might have induced you to go?

For everybody who knew it was on - how did you know it was on? Please list multiple sources of information, if more than one.

More generally - how many tool sales per annum would you like to see?

Any general comments?

Thanks for your feedback
Peter Evans

19th August 2009, 04:26 PM
hey well i did post this i think:?

but we go

$8 to get in was a little bit of a ball braker
I know it sead dorr cost here but didnt on radio

tryed to buy a box of carving tools from one person there
was wanting $50 each for rust
and got my head bit off from the seller
(im young I know nothing so he says)
A big
(Hey Ray been doing it how long now??? lol)

Was good to see the boys Pat,Ray and Sue:2tsup:
and some othere person from here dont know who???

parking was a bit of a pain in my dads ass:D

As for setout of it maybe space it out use that other bit off the hall
im only little but i was thinking more for bigger people and people with prams
and more for Ray as well and others

meet a gr8 old guy and his wife
from canberra who had some carving tools there and back home I wana take off his hands but didnot get a number
if you can help me out peter plz???

all in all had a good day:U

thaks for all the hard work getting it sorted

19th August 2009, 04:53 PM
Access was APIA with road works and poor signage to car park, cars parked right in the hall entry driveway with just enough room to get the wheelchair through without scratching the duco, if LOML had the reins she would have.

Location to far east otherwise not to bad I guess.

I thought plenty of room to move even if I did keep getting under Daves feet :;.

cost of entry may have been a bit high for the time even if total time there was from doors open to close and if nothing bought a waste unless the shed is getting a cut a good cause.

If more vendors showed then it would be a tight squeeze.

:o There was food and drinks to be had where :roll:

Agree with Dave about what some wanted for their wares yes collectors pieces fair enough but stuff which needed a LOT of TLC :~

That fellow with the engineering gear :rolleyes: if only I'd had more $$$$$

19th August 2009, 06:27 PM
Got there early.Big Troopie.Easy access, parked in a corner.
Entry fee a bit steep, esp when somebody tried to charge my son $8.00 at 12.30, when most vendors had packed up!!
Some excellent vendors (Esp the bloke from Cent Coast), but an equal number with greatly inflated ideas of value of over tittivated crap.
Two vendors, both with foreign accents, were particularly rude to anyone who had the temerity to offer a comment.One only just missed a belt in the mouth from me for his attitude to a woman who asked a perfectly civil and reasonable question about a crappy old hand saw.
I would have liked a few more of the TTG members acting as "experts"in their chosen fields,as the knowledgeable vendors were frequently too busy to engage in anything more than a brief conversation.
I thought the premises were more than adequate, and the set up worked reasonably well.The venue is easy to access once you've braved the bloody Sydney stunt drivers, but I'd stay away if it was on any day other than a Sunday!
I had a refreshing can of soft drink, but no snag sarnie, tho they seemed to sell well.A bit of a palaver paying in one spot, and then convincing the blokes elsewhere that you WERE entitled to a drink.
I was a bit disappointed that there were not more sellers--the last sale I went to was when Les Miller organised it at Concord(??) High School,and, from memory, there were a lot more stalls.
Having had my whinge, I should say that I got almost everything I went for, all at reasonable or good prices, and I met some interesting people, so it can't be all bad.

19th August 2009, 11:00 PM
Location: Just across the road from a depot . . .
Size: about right. I could get around ok, but had to watch for people stepping on my toes, as I had thongs on:)

Most of the vendors were to happy to discuss their wares and haggle abit. I did notice some tools with more rust then metal for exorbitant prices and promptly stayed away from those stalls.

It was good to see the bloke from the brassware mob, he always has an eclectic mix of stuff at reasonable prices.

Ray, luckily for me I grabbed some of the engineering stuff.

20th August 2009, 12:15 AM
I was close to missing out on the day as much had to be done on the Sunday. (Day of rest). I was in early(09:00) and was able to get rid of the tag a longer at Burwood. They are not interested in tools even when I went back to show them what I purchased.

I guess I was not expecting much as this was the first tool sale that I had attended. I picked only a small amount of what I wanted. Entry price not the best but I guess you get that.

I met Dave and Pat and now at least I know what Ray looks like from what I had just read. Two more things to mention, Dave it was me that you could not remember meeting. :rolleyes: And what Dave also mention about a disagreement with one of the vendors I heard that fellow say something like that when I walked by. I just did not see who he was talking to as it was a little cramped at first. After about 30 minutes things started to settle and clear up. I was able to chat to some vendors most were short and quick replies. I only managed to stay for a hour and in that time I managed at least three time round the hall.

Thank you

20th August 2009, 10:50 PM
Hiy'all, it was my first time as a tool seller and due to Sydney traffic I didn't get there til 8;45, still had time to meet Henry and he got me a table even though Id brought one with me, that saved me a bit of time. The sellers near me were great to talk to and we watched each others stalls when we wanted to go for a wander. :) I thought the set up was good, plenty of room for me anyway. I didn't clean up the stuff I was selling and was just about giving it away, most things were a dollar or three for a dollar etc as I wanted to pass the stuff on, not create a retirement fund.:D The Asian/sri lankan ? seller was near by to me and he came to my stall and told me I had crap! :((I kept an eye on him and his attitude was unbelievable. rude and arrogant. Maybe he didn't want to sell anything, and the prices on his stuff!!!!:o
Apart from that I was lucky enough to sell 90% of my stuff which paid for a Triton I picked up at Brookvale that afternoon. gotta be happy with that. All in all, a great day, well done Henry and his helpers, Looking forward to the next one. maybe two per year? one midyear, one Nov/Dec? so we can buy ourselves Christmas presents.
Cheers, Billy:rolleyes:

20th August 2009, 10:59 PM
also, nice to meet Ray and Sue, and all the others I chatted with, sorry can't remember everyones names.:rolleyes:

The food was ok, I went back for seconds, as previously mentioned in this thread it was a bit funny to split the food section into two seperate parts but thats an easy fix I spose.:2tsup:

There were certainly some characters there (nice ones) that I got to chat with.:)

And hows this for coincidence; the last thing I bought were two old woodworking magazines from Henry, in one of them was a write up on a tool sale Henry did years ago.:o

Cheers, Billy:fireman:

21st August 2009, 12:24 AM
If you're the bloke who sold me the Boker Fencing pliers,(and chucked that other pair in), you certainly did give stuff away, and with a smile and a quip too.
If you come again, so will I.

clear out
25th August 2009, 06:06 AM
To NZ Carver
Where abouts in the hall was the 'old guy' and his wife?
As you came in the entrance door was it at the end wall on the right?
This bloke was from Goulburn.Quite an old bod probably sitting down.
Half way up on the left side was a Pom and his missus.
No one this year from Canberra as such.
If you descibe the location I will PM you a phone number.

Billy et al,
The sellers are a deverse mob just like the buyers you get all types.
Gorden the Asian is a real $%^& and some of the others aren't much better.
We all had a laugh a few years back at Concord.
We heard he was very sick and probably wouldn't be coming.
6am and there he was ugly as a hatfull.
We asked him what had happened and his reply had them rolling on the floor.
'Must have bin a bad curry.' Hate to be his missus.

I've been running the sale since '86.
Went to one in the carpark of the 'Cutting Edge' in San Diego in '84 and thought there was a need for this in Oz.
I've always done it on my own up to now but this year asked the TTTG to help.
Also moved it to the mens shed.
Mixed results from this now caught up in commitee bs and the tttg want to take it over.
The mens shed guys were great, real hard workers.
I and my brother and son spent Saturday the 8th then the Wednnesday and then Saturday the 15 th helping the Mens shed guys finish the floor and then move all their stuff out and then set up the tables.
6-40 am on Sunday went around and there were a dozen vehicles all at the wrong gate.
Got them in and sorted with the mens shed guys help.
The TTTg treasurer turned up a bit after 7 to collect the door $.
The rest of the TTTG crew straggled in sometime after 8.
The president now plans to give me the bum's and take over.
It's a bit of a catch 22 for me as I started the TTTG in the early 90s with a questionare at a sale then a meeting to kick it off at my workshop.
Watch this space for more as this developes.
Better try and get more shut eye but have a bursitis on the left elbow and its full of poison and very painfull.

25th August 2009, 08:09 AM
Henry I am sorry I didn't meet you an excellent job on your part keeping it running all those years :2tsup:

25th August 2009, 06:50 PM
as you walk in the door 1/2 way down on the rite by the windo

17th September 2009, 02:52 PM
I didnt make it but wanted to :( I look forward to the next one,