View Full Version : Need rain in Wallan

Allan at Wallan
7th August 2009, 06:18 PM
It is so dry here in Wallan -

* The locals can tell if a shoal of fish are in Wallan Creek by the
cloud of dust they stir up.
* The local Council closed two lanes of the swimming pool.
* At the Post office they have to staple stamps on to letters.
* Trees are advertising for dogs to visit them.
* In the Bible it said it rained for forty days and forty nights
- well we only got 5 points out of that lot.
* A local dam is so dry the fish are just sitting on the bottom
waiting for swimming lessons.
* The water level at the local reservoir is so low it only comes
up to the belly of local ducks swimming there.


7th August 2009, 06:23 PM
Allan is it also true they are cancelling the Wallan spitting competition its so dry no one can raise a spit.

Jokes aside this is serious it could mean Wallan people will be shuned treat like leapers all due to the fact they haven't showed in months.