View Full Version : Gas hot water system with tank

Reno RSS Feed
4th August 2009, 06:40 PM

I have a gas hot water heater with a tank.
Over summer and into autumn it used 45kg bottle of gas over 3 months.
Now in winter it has used the same size bottle in 1 month.
We use gas for nothing else but heating water. Two people live here and shower once a day for roughly the same period in summer and winter (same water usage).

Is it normal for it to use 3 times as much gas in winter than in summer? This seems exceptional to me that it takes three times as much energy in winter to heat the same amount of water. I am not in a particularly cold climate location, I am on the coast, never freezes here.

We have had 2 separate plumbers here and they couldn't find a problem with the system, but basically were told to just check for a gas leak by our landlord, and not check the system.

The gas has been pressure tested and does not leak.

Thanks very much for any help offered.

In essence, does it takes three times as much gas to heat water in winter vs summer given same water usage?

Any help very much appreciated.

Thank you

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=77118&goto=newpost)