View Full Version : Perth Woodshow
20th July 2004, 06:05 PM
As you all would know the WA Wood Shows comign up soon. Best of all Terry Gordon from HNT Gordon will be there doing some demos, theres even a panel answering questions on planes. I can only assume that Derek will take his rightful place ;)
I'll take one of each thanks.
We've spoken before of a ubeaut meet up......................
20th July 2004, 06:49 PM
We've spoken before of a ubeaut meet up......................
To help recognise each other, we could use the attached label. Just add your ubeaut name and avatar and your real name in the appropriate spaces. This will wind up being roughly the size of a business card (90 mm x 55 mm) and will fit in one of those transparent lapel badge holders that you can buy at stationery stores and pharmacies etc.
What do you think?
21st July 2004, 01:52 AM
Excellent. You can also fit AWWFUL in the box at the bottom.
21st July 2004, 05:42 PM
Excellent. You can also fit AWWFUL in the box at the bottom.
Good idea. Here's a revised version.
Wood Borer
22nd July 2004, 04:09 PM
Attention Sandgropers
SilentC has put me onto a great idea and Ozwinner has designed the Al Foil model see
You could all wear these at the Perth woodwork show so you can easily identify fellow BBers. If it works we will try it in Melbourne. We would want photos of course.
- Wood Borer
22nd July 2004, 04:29 PM
Attention Sandgropers
SilentC has put me onto a great idea and Ozwinner has designed the Al Foil model see
You could all wear these at the Perth woodwork show so you can easily identify fellow BBers. If it works we will try it in Melbourne. We would want photos of course.
- Wood Borer
Listen WB - if you think you'd catch a bunch of sensible Sandgropers walking around the Showgrounds with little Al Foil condoms on their heads then you clearly underestimate us! We're sensible blokes. And anyway, we know you're only trying to steal our thoughts. Those Al Foil helmets aren't designed to protect our brains, they're designed to steal them! We're on to you, mate!
Col - The alert but unalarmed
23rd July 2004, 12:50 AM
The secret is out - this is standard dress for a sandgroper so perhaps if we risk not wearing ours for the woodshow we will be able to idenitify fellow forum members.
13th August 2004, 06:06 PM
I went, I saw, My hip pocket burst into flamess.....Sigh
13th August 2004, 06:14 PM
Definitely worth a visit then eh?
13th August 2004, 06:49 PM
Terry Gordon was excellent. I like the way he talks to people, like a real person, explains everything, goes through his planes in detail. He has got me as a customer. Lots was usual Ho Humm. I found PTMS (Jet) guys willing to talk and listen and chase down my sperious questions. Richard at Hammer (KR Engineering) was also very good and spent ages going through a machine with me. Some nice pieces of furniture in amongst some that is be the judge for yourself.
Coffee $3.30 for little foam cup:eek:
I didn't spend much time at the hand/power tool stands but it was all the regular stuff with some bargains to be had. Met a couple of mates who had saved themselves a deal of money with show specials.
4 hours was not long enough. You really need to go on two days.
13th August 2004, 06:53 PM
Oh BTW, I thought the Hand Tool Preservation display was excellent. There was also some good old planes up for sale and these were getting snapped up for reasonable prices. Saw a Stanley No 7 in fair nick go for $115.00, don't know what age it was.
13th August 2004, 08:07 PM
I went, I saw, My hip pocket burst into flamess.....Sigh
Spontanious Combustion? Or Spontanious Spending? :D
13th August 2004, 09:59 PM
I think it was a true case of spontaneous combustion combined with a nervous disorder. A disorder that randomly inflicts itself upon unsuspecting woodies at WW shows. The combustion part starts as a warm sensation in the hip area (there is some credit still on the card). It works its way into a belly burning searing heat that wells up affecting brain functions followed by weakness of the knees, a nervous shake and spending compulsion.
If your lucky a mild case just results in staggering from one stand to the next witha glazed/open mouthed look and random drooling.
The worst part is the brain is tricked into thinking that on the way home a magic light will flash and some way of explaining it all to SWMBO will be forthcoming.
Of course I have personally never suffered from the above....some guys I know just told me about it....................and
does anybody have somewhere in Perth I could sleep for a few days??
Mea Maxima Culpa
13th August 2004, 11:12 PM
I survived!
I trawled around, spoke to Terry Gordon for a while and watced the plane presentations and managed to walk away and only buy $15 worth of lacy sheoak offcuts. Thats it! I was warned though.
you're right, the hand tool preservation society guys were funny. They thought I was a bit strange given my age but they gave me some good advice on how to get some bolts unstuck on a plane and which markets to go to on the lookout for old planes.
I skimmed past most of the power tools and new fangled jigs. Not really my thing.
Anyone else think the people from the freo school were a bit hoity toity?
14th August 2004, 02:33 AM
Oh BTW, I thought the Hand Tool Preservation display was excellent. There was also some good old planes up for sale and these were getting snapped up for reasonable prices. Saw a Stanley No 7 in fair nick go for $115.00, don't know what age it was.
I know what you mean - I needed a good jack-plane, and didn't want to part with $125.00 for a new Stanley No 5 - they had about 6 or 7 No 5 planes going for about $75.00, two No 5 1/2 planes for $85.00 odd, two No 6 planes for $60.00, and only one No 7. All were in very good nick, but some had handles that were a bit ratty, and would need to be replaced. I picked one No 5 that was in great condition, with near perfect Rosewood handles, before parting with my cash. When I got it home, I put it straight to work, and finally got some newly saw pieces of old Jarrah smooth, square, and straight. It was a real joy to plane a full 1 meter long shaving!
They also had some old, miniature, bull nosed shoulder planes for $75.00 - but I need to think of the mortgage, and SWMBO was hovering as I had bought a couple of other toys earlier as well. I will have to save up for a good sholder plane, but that will have to wait for another day.
Buy the way, did any of you see the wooden clock? I didn't get the makers name, but he had won first prize. The thing was amazing, see pictures that the owner was happy for me to take. He said it was made from Jarrah, Sheoak, Ebony, and a tiny amount of brass. The hands were a bit weird in shape, but it ticked along beautifully. Some people a just too clever!
14th August 2004, 08:08 PM
Went to the Show today and met up with Derek, Pete J and Craig (forunna). We had a bit of lunch and a yarn. Very pleasant.
The Show itself was a bit of a curate's egg - good in parts.
The good bits:
- Terry Gordon. Stopped and had a chat with him. Good bloke. I've already got a couple of his planes so I'm a fan. I bought a superb Adria tenon saw from him. Not cheap but very good gear.
- The Hand Tools Preservation Society stand. A real mixture of gear. I bought a very nice little Stanley brace. It's got a short-throw crank. I'll give it a bit of a clean up and I reckon it'll be a treat to use. I also bought an old Stanley #4. I've got a new version of this plane that I've tuned, fettled and re-fitted with new handles and irons so I don't really need another #4 but this one was obviously looking for a good home so it would have been less than kind not to bring it back to my place.
-Carba-Tec and Timbecon had a raft of gear at Show-discounted prices. Could have spent a lot of money but I resisted manfully. Bought a Veritas striking knife.
- Some very well conceived and beautifully executed work. There was a really well designed, superbly made wine storage cupboard. A very elegant chair that made me envious of the skill it displayed. A couple of the items in the Women in Woodworking (don't think I got the name quite right :o ) were also really well done.
The not so good bits:
- Loads of really crappy tools. Even Bunnies wouldn't sell some of this rubbish.
- Some of the woodwork on show was disappointing. Poorly made and unimaginative.
- Some of the woodwork on show was just cr@p. Pretentious, self-consciously smart@rse designs.
On the whole, however, the Show was well worth a visit. It's good to see woodwork well supported.
Now I've got to actually make something with my new tools! :D
14th August 2004, 10:12 PM
i saw some of the furniture there aswell and i liked some of the cabinets but then i looked behind them and some just stapled a piece of stained ply on the back.
14th August 2004, 11:42 PM
Ive finaly put some faces to some names.
Gday again Col. Pete and Derek.
I was a bit overwhelmed by all the powertools. Actually seeing them working and the various Jigs benig used. Those thicknessers can be bloody noisy.
I loved the carving, I might actually get interested in that eventually.
I want a bandsaw, a drill press, a bench saw, a heap of jigs .......
I think I could get to like planes too. I had no idea of the variety in sizes and designs and Im sure I'm going to win one. :-)
I got a kick out of the model boats too.
15th August 2004, 01:19 AM
Yep, Good onya guys. I went yesterday and low and behold, today I blew the a*se out of the drive in my cordless drill:( . Murphy's a Pr*ck. Raced over to a mates place and gave him a pile of cash this evening with instructions to get me something decent when he's at the show tomorrow. Could have done without that seeing as I have 42 metres of fence to tech screw next week.:mad:
Wonder what I'll end up with???:)
BTW it was a GMC
Serves me right for buying cheap crap:o .
Cheers from the cordless drill lotto
15th August 2004, 01:51 AM
What about your 2 year warranty? Didn't keep your receipt did you? ;)
15th August 2004, 02:05 AM
Paul, the bloody warranty expired about 3 weeks ago, just after I was telling everybody how well it was doing for a $100 drill/driver. I guess I gave it the Bill Lawry.
15th August 2004, 04:56 AM
The Perth Woodworking Show ... a bit of a let down this year for me. Not really sure why. There were a few highlights. Met up with Colin Webb (Driver), Peter (McHugh) and Craig (Forunna). See the picture below.
One highlight for me was chatting with Terry Gordon (of HNT Gordon planes). He is also now selling Adria saws, which I had a chance to try. Very nice indeed. If I did not already have the LN Independence dovetail saw, I'd buy the Adria version like a shot. Later that afternoon I sharpened up a couple of blades on a newly-acquired-at-Show-waterstone (inspired by Terry, I just had to see if I could also slice end grain on my shooting board with the Try Plane. By George I could!).
By and large I found the Show to be the same old same old. Ho Hum ... Nothing very inspiring. Only exception was the Hand Tools Preservation Society display of vintage planes. Just superb! However I cannot say the same for the vintage tools on sale. More like a garage sale of second raters. Col did, however, manage to find a couple of good purchases, including a 5" throw Stanley brace that I would have bought had I seen it first. Damn his eyes!
Regards from Perth
Picture: Left to right - Craig, Peter, Col, Derek
15th August 2004, 10:57 AM
When I left yesterday arvo there was a WANTED poster up by the exit with very similar looking guys on. I'm sure the ransom was a LN plane. Dunno, maybe I got it wrong.
Have a good day guys, guess you have some toys to try out!
15th August 2004, 12:26 PM
. . . today I blew the a*se out of the drive in my cordless drill:( . Serves me right for buying cheap crap:o .
Cheers from the cordless drill lotto
If it's of any interest - I called in at Bunnies Balcatta on the way home from the Show yesterday. They were selling 14 volt cordless drills for $16.95. I nearly bought one but I've already got 3 cordless drills so I restrained myself.
15th August 2004, 01:56 PM
Col, I truly admire your self restraint but its no more cheapies for this little duck. Have to go daughters 4 th B/day and I'll get shot if I get sprung on the computer.
15th August 2004, 11:14 PM
I went Friday and I must say that I was rather disapointed. I scored some long driver bits (I could have bought more but I have two complete dewalt sets and only needed the long ones) that were about the only bargain I could see.
I bought a pen mill from the Carbatec stand because I needed one and it was convenient to get it while I was there but from what I could see both Timbecon and Carbatec were selling stuff at shop prices - I know the pen mill I bought was standard catalogue price.
The milling displays outside were interesting but I could have seen them without paying $12.
15th August 2004, 11:15 PM
"but its no more cheapies for this little duck"
Been down that road and the replacement batteries are $90 each - repacked not genuine.
Might be worth a rethink if you got two years out of a GMC.
John Saxton
15th August 2004, 11:24 PM
Got there early Friday to check out the Tool Preservation folk to see what they had on the table,lotsa goodies but kept the Visa constrained.
Mike at MIK relieved me of a few $$$ on some Japanese dovetail chisels and Forward Tools also managed to relieve me of some of my precious earnings on a couple of Mujingfang planes that they had there and which I thought could offer some hand held assistance within my work.
Went Back Saturday moreso for some of the discussions on topics that remain an interest to me and were held in that section well away from the annoyingly loud Triton tool section close to the entrance.
Had a look at some of the furniture on display primarily exhibited by school students amidst some of the better exhibits and admired the effort on both parts, as some of the students I feel also displayed (PERHAPS UNDER BETTER TUTELAGE) a better understanding of wood and it's uses than I did at the same age.
I felt that the wood show whist fuller in content across the medium still fails in allowing an area where tools could be trialled by the purchaser ...perhaps because of insurance limitations on both the exhibitor and organiser that may never occur from now on.
I spoke to a couple of Eastern State folk that I have been on some familiar ground with over the years and they believe it is still worth the effort to have Staff etc over here for the 3 days irrespective of the distance and costs involved to show their wares.
I will go back again next year as always initially on the basis of curiosity with tightly clenched Visa :D :D :D
Cheers :)
15th August 2004, 11:29 PM
Rod, wanna buy a coupla GMC 18v batteries cheeep??:rolleyes:
I had a Metabo 9.6v which did 11 years with some 3 years of that as trade (& 1 extra batt). My mate who went (WW show) today rang to tell me he picked me up the Metabo 12v, 2 batt, 1 hr charger, case and a bonus thingy (whatever) all for $259. The math is pretty self explanatory if I get the same run out of this Metabo especially with the 3 year warranty.
I should'nt bag the GMC as it was only something I grabbed at short notice and although gutless it did a lot of work...but its still cheap crap;)
For What Its Worth: My summary of the above threads WRT to the show was that a lot of sales people could learn from Terry Gordon's example. Whilst I was at the stand he passed the foreplane and shooting board across the bench so I could give it a go (and display my ineptitude). Try before you buy, now thats a unique concept.
15th August 2004, 11:41 PM
I agree that Terry is an excellent presentor, after demonstrating one of his planes for us he asked if anyone wanted to have a go with it or any of his planes. this is the mark of someone who is really confident of his gear and was much appreciated.
I walked away with a new shoulder plane and a beautiful shooting board, I already have a shooting board but his angled one made mine look like firewood.
almost a shame to use it, might scratch it!
great day overall, I highly recommend going on the Friday...took the day off work and had a ball. no pressure and the crowds were smaller than on the weekend.
steve :o
16th August 2004, 11:58 AM
I went on friday as well. The crowds were down and hte hand tool society did actually have some good stuff on sale early in the morning.
I too got to try out Terry Gordons shooting board and try plane combo. I was flabbergasted when he offered, it just wasnt what i was expecting. The temptation to whip out the Visa what enormous. I also quizzed his other salesperson for 10minutes on the details of the shooting board, and then went home and whipped one up (in about 3hours). Works like a dream so far.
Now I just need one of those smoothers or try planes. (Some shooting board questions will follow!)
Twas a shame I couldnt meet up with any of you old fella's, But friday was the only day I could make it. Next year!
I also seearched in vain for a left handed circular saw, only the AEG guy were helpful with suggested modifications they could organise.
16th August 2004, 02:04 PM
Twas a shame I couldnt meet up with any of you old fella's,
"OLD" !!!!! :eek:
Try the following alternative adjectives:-
I mean - there's a photo of some of us so you can see that "old" just isn't appropriate.
"Old" - Jeez!
16th August 2004, 02:15 PM
who's who in that photo?
16th August 2004, 02:17 PM
From left to right:
forunna (Craig), Pete J (Peter), Driver (Col), derekcohen (Derek).
16th August 2004, 02:29 PM
Thanks Col
You all look some how familiar, wanted posters maybe :D, or perhaps we've passed/met in Carbatec or Timbecon or something.......
Dave :)
Wood Borer
16th August 2004, 03:28 PM
What a fine bunch of chaps.
- Wood Borer
16th August 2004, 04:36 PM
I was very disappointed that work commitments kept me away from Perth ....and the show. :mad:
I am intending to invest in the following gear in the near future:
- table saw (TSC-10HB, Jet SS, others???)
- 12-15" thicknesser
- 6-8" jointer
- 2hp dust extractor.
I have been looking at and am undecided between Carba-Tec or Jet (are there any others to consider?). I was hoping that at the show I could:
i) see all these machines - preferably working,
ii) discover any other brands/options,
iii) easily compare them without driving all over town several times, and
iv) get some good show discounted prices.
Reading the comments above I'm not sure I would have been able to achieve my objectives anyway. Is the show the right/best place to do this or would I have been disappointed?
Given that I have missed the show, does anyone have any advice on the best way to check out the different pieces of gear now?
Geoff :confused:
16th August 2004, 07:59 PM
What a fine bunch of chaps.
- Wood Borer
You've got my vote, WB! :D
16th August 2004, 08:40 PM
Did anyone mention this bulletin board to Terry Gordon while they were talking to him? He might even be interrested in becoming a member like Rob Lee and giving some advice from a tool makers point of view.
16th August 2004, 10:01 PM
I remember seeing the same ( maybe similar ) clock last year and it was made by Michel Gudet who lives in Landsdale, a suburb north of the river in Perth. I hope this jolts your memory.
Wood Borer
17th August 2004, 09:25 AM
You've got my vote, WB! :D
Just softening you sandgropers up so that if and when I make it to Perth again and we have a planethon you will look after my planes.
- Wood Borer