View Full Version : Mystry with the Forum
20th July 2004, 05:50 PM
This is probably one for .
When I log on of a morning there may be any thing up to five pages of new posts. As I am going through them and coming back from one all of a sudden the page of posts I come back to the Bold lettering on the posts has gone which seems to mean that the new posts have reset themselves and when you click on New Posts there only maybe 2 or 3 new posts.
As people post new ones the numbers build up but then all of a sudden they might only get to one page and they will reset again.
I was just wondering is this a random thing or does some gremlin come in and say "Lets go again"
20th July 2004, 10:54 PM
I could baffle you with bovine faeces although there are others on here that are better than I. :D
To be honest, stuffed if I know but will see if I can find out. :cool:
21st July 2004, 12:00 AM
Time-Out for Cookie
This is the time in seconds that a user must remain inactive before any unread posts are marked read. This setting also controls how long a user will remain on Who's Online after their last activity.
Barry, at present this is set to 900. I hope this answers your question.
journeyman Mick
21st July 2004, 12:14 AM
I've noticed this too and get annoyed because sometimes I can't access the other pages of new posts. How I get around it:
When I log on I go to new posts.
From the first page I go to the last, then from there to the second last and so forth until I'm back at the first page of new posts.
After I've read and replied to any of the posts on the first page that interest me I hit the "back" button on my browser which takes me back to the second page.
Carry on until I've read all the posts that interest me (or my conscience tells me I should go and do something more productive :o )
21st July 2004, 12:27 AM
As you appreciate I read all posts and some take longer than others.
I right click all active posts and open in a new window. As I read each one I just close the window.
Saves a lot of back peddling particularly on the Dial up at work.
21st July 2004, 01:29 AM
I seem to run into a similar problem - every so often I get a 'can'r find' result when trying to go between 'pages' of new posts. I can sometimes get round it by backing up a page or two and then going forwards again. Other times I go to the first 'new posts' menu option I find, hit it & find I'm back in buisness with a full list.
Maye you need to Baygon the server :D
21st July 2004, 09:12 AM
As you appreciate I read all posts and some take longer than others.
I right click all active posts and open in a new window. As I read each one I just close the window.
Saves a lot of back peddling particularly on the Dial up at work.
Jeez , that's actually not a bad idea :eek:
21st July 2004, 09:25 AM
I have just upgraded from a 28.8 Kps connection to ISDN, The only way I could effectively work was to do exactly what said.
That way i found pages were loading while I was reading. With such a pizz poor connection you gotta have it goin' all the time to get anywhere.
I still seem to do the same thing, habit I guess.
21st July 2004, 09:40 AM
I use Netscape which has the ability to open new Tabs/windows in the same browser window. It works just like worksheets in excel. I go to new posts and on the ones that interest me I right click - open in new tab. To me it is a lot easier and neater than having a heap of windows open at once. Just one of the reasons I like Netscape over explorer.
21st July 2004, 11:04 AM
If you don't want to install Netscape, try this link for Crazy Browser.
Basically, it's a wrapper for IE that like Netscape, lets you open new windows in tabs. It also has the ability to block those annoying pop-ups.
It's also free.
I've been using it for a couple of years now. Works for me.
Go here:
Wayne Davy
21st July 2004, 10:11 PM
Another little helper is to go a 'getdaily' search. This will give you all the posts for the last 24 hours. I have a shortcut on my desktop to it.
Try it.
22nd July 2004, 11:21 AM
[B][I]Time-Out for Cookie
This is the time in seconds that a user must remain inactive before any unread posts are marked read.
Is there a definition of activity so we can ensure we do something befor the 15min is up?
22nd July 2004, 06:35 PM
Activity - n - 1. The state of being active 2. Any particular deed action or pastime. 3. energy: liveliness.
-adj- 4. Educ. relating to provision made for slow learners, using methods of learning & teaching associated with activities: ~class
Don't ya hate smart arzes :D
22nd July 2004, 09:57 PM
Is there a definition of activity so we can ensure we do something befor the 15min is up?
Any thing. opening and closing a post I find is best. I think as long as apage is even being scrolled constitutes activity.
23rd July 2004, 08:59 AM
The cookie is a token that is sent by the web server to your browser when you request a page. This happens whenever you load a page from the site, any time you click a menu, or a link, or view a post etc. You can tell when a request is actually being sent to the server because the icon in the top right of your browser will be spinning. The 'Quick Reply' button for example does not result in a request to the server until you actually click 'Post Quick Reply'. The cookie is the way that the site can tell who you are and that you are logged on.
This is speculation on my part, but I imagine that there is a timestamp associated with your user account which is updated each time you access a page. The timeout would then be activated when this timestamp is 15 minutes older than the current time at the server.
So to beat the time out, you need to do something that results in a request to the server within 15 minutes. I click the 'New Posts' menu every so often.