View Full Version : Shellac Shelf Life?

30th July 2009, 10:23 AM
There's a nice big box of shellac flakes at the local auction.......does it last forever in this state or should I give it a miss?

Anxious in New Zealand

30th July 2009, 10:29 AM
Depends how it has been stored but it should last a very long time if kept in a cool dark place and an airtight container.

Some people have been able to make polish using old 78 RPM records (which were made from shellac until the 1940's).

30th July 2009, 01:21 PM
Well, I missed it anyway. Bidding got a bit keen and as that lot came up before some tools I wanted I bailed out early. Judging from the price list of our gracious hosts I didn't miss a bargain. I'll wait till I really need it and then buy some fresh stuff from U-BEAUT.