View Full Version : Squeaky ply wood floor

26th July 2009, 11:08 AM
Maybe im lost, im looking for tips on the best way to stop a plywood floor layed on beams from sqeaking, the floor is already down.

I dont know whether to pull it up ans start again or to add extra screw type nails, also whether to use cloth or glue between beams and ply.

Pete L
26th July 2009, 08:59 PM
I had this problem in a house about 20 years ago. I was advised to use and resolved the issue by lifting the carpet and nailing along the joists in the squeaking area with 'processed nails'.

I presume that these are still available. They are a floor nail with a coating which, when hammered into the wood, softens the coating and helps it adhere to the timber. I was sceptical but it really did work and it was a simple job

Good luck

27th July 2009, 11:52 AM
Welcome Haybags. good to have you aboard:2tsup:

27th July 2009, 07:13 PM
Mate thank you so much I will definitely seek out these nails,and give them a go, what a poo hot idea.
With out laughing to loud, is using screws and counter sinking the heads a completely mad Idea?

27th July 2009, 07:16 PM
we had this problem teh floor was just glued down and teh glue let go after 20 years and teh joins started squeeking we just liftedteh carpet and screwed them down. problme solved:2tsup:

27th July 2009, 07:27 PM
If you can get under the floor its easy, you just get a peice of wood run a bead of liquid nails along it and shove it up and prop it next to the jost. When the glue is dry take out the props, if you can pull it down then nail or screw it to the joist.

27th July 2009, 08:01 PM
Welcome to the forum

Should mention happy flooring.

27th July 2009, 08:08 PM
hey thanks boys I will definitely keep those ideas in mind, no doubt its a combination approach to sort the problem, it should be okay because the ply is on top of exposed beams, givin me a good ol look, but I think the floor has only been down about 5 years, making me worry some sheets my be buckled or warped which makes me think if i give all these tips ago i should get a result.
again thanks men, now what do ya suggest for a noisy missus:)

29th July 2009, 05:09 AM
now what do ya suggest for a noisy missus

I think you are glutting for punishment.