View Full Version : blocked toilet probs

Reno RSS Feed
12th July 2009, 01:30 AM
I have a bit of a problem with the new toilet i recently installed, after the first couple of uses it blocked up badly although after a bit of plunging it's a bit better but not good enough to use. Under the house i observed where the pipe runs into the sewer theres a leak around where it's sealed (concreted) into the sewer outlet with water slowly leaking out and evidence of toilet paper fragments around the ground. I put a 6' unblocker down it and there was no evidence of anything blocking it at all, although the waste pipe is around 6 metres long until it reaches the sewer. Opening the inspection cap revealed nothing, in fact all was very clean for an existing waste pipe.

Is the leak at the sewer/waste pipe junction a reason why the toilet isnt flushing properly? or would there be a chance of a blockage further along the pipe where i cant reach?
Id appreciate some insight if anyone can help.


Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=76855&goto=newpost)