5th July 2009, 06:40 PM
SWMBO bought a rather battered gateleg table which had been "woodgrained", and the finish is giving up the struggle.I have been instructed to "do something with it!!"
Does anyone have any idea of what the primer coat is.Is a milk coffee colour, fills the grain,and is resistant to paint stripper.
The top coat, with the "graining" has become ectremely brittle, especially where it has been exposed to sunlight.It shatters and lifts easily, but the other "gloop" is taxing my patience.
I KNOW I will be regarded ad a heretic by many, but the timber patterns so far exposed are far superior to the man made finish with which the table was adorned, and some white lac and wax will show them off a treat if I can just remove the "undercoat.
Does anyone have any idea of what the primer coat is.Is a milk coffee colour, fills the grain,and is resistant to paint stripper.
The top coat, with the "graining" has become ectremely brittle, especially where it has been exposed to sunlight.It shatters and lifts easily, but the other "gloop" is taxing my patience.
I KNOW I will be regarded ad a heretic by many, but the timber patterns so far exposed are far superior to the man made finish with which the table was adorned, and some white lac and wax will show them off a treat if I can just remove the "undercoat.