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  1. You can't hurry love
  2. Smart Kid
  3. Smart Girl
  4. A small mistake
  5. It pays to advertise
  6. Two prizes in one day
  7. ask your grandmother
  8. Accepting Authority
  9. One for the Books
  10. Mens Ads
  11. What steps would you take?
  12. A lom
  13. Need a Lift?
  14. Imminent Jail Break
  15. Boasting neighbour
  16. Little old lady drivers
  17. "Comeback" line...
  18. Diagnosis
  19. Womans best friend
  20. Another drama in Wallan
  21. Healthy Place
  22. Dinner meeting
  23. The Golfer
  24. Overboard!
  25. Car Privileges
  26. Horror Movie
  27. New Bicycle
  28. Some doctor!
  29. Two Irishmen
  30. Rodgera in court case
  31. Secret of a happy marriage
  32. DO NOT Swallow Bubble gum
  33. Fred's lament
  34. Horse
  35. Guarded LOL
  36. Not a joke. Just a bit of fun MK.XI
  37. Newspaper?
  38. The wife
  39. Not a joke but quite funny
  40. Ventriloquist mark 2
  41. small amount of swearing but no more that the school yard
  42. One for the cemetery nuts
  43. New Glasses
  44. well out buying dog food for buddy the pug
  45. Visit to Wallan from "Rodgera"
  46. iPhone 5
  47. Water Beds
  48. Where's me fingers!?
  49. Breakfast
  50. Current discussions in Victoria
  51. BMW complaint
  52. Some good looking tools
  53. Scottish nicknames
  54. The truckie and the emu
  55. The Stockman and the Banker
  56. Teamwork, the secret of success?
  57. Arranging my will.
  58. Advice from a retired husband
  59. my experience with an iPad
  60. A day at the races
  61. The Thought Process...
  62. Foreign Pizza
  63. Batman
  64. One for the girls
  65. Be afraid be very afraid hahaha
  66. Beware older women
  67. Insults with class
  68. An Australian Poem
  69. How to impress your Doctor
  70. Gym workout with the "lot"
  71. It's no fun getting old
  72. Inner peace
  73. Crazy News Tidbit
  74. Talented parrots
  75. A Homeless Man
  76. 'Daddy, how was I born?'
  77. 25 Lessons from Childhood:
  78. There are teachers ... And then there are educators
  79. The annual checkup
  80. What Frank Zappa said....
  81. Life in the Australian Army...
  82. The Gift
  83. Frightening Statistic
  84. For the Ladies…
  85. 40th Birthday surprise
  86. 'heads up' for those guys who may be regular bunnies customers.
  87. A Saint
  88. My Living Will
  89. How to Tell the Gender of a Fly
  90. Church Social
  91. Compliments
  92. Employment options
  93. Attending a lecture.
  94. Periodic Tables
  95. Short sighted opinions..
  96. Kiss my …..
  97. Groucho Marks and his cigar....
  98. Gynaecologists
  99. Unknown Author
  100. What sort of humour is this?
  101. Kind hearted banker?
  102. GPS undies
  103. A wee joke
  104. bad day
  105. A newborn baby?
  106. H20
  107. Job Offer
  108. Guaranteed to offend bank managers....
  109. 50 Sheds of Grey
  110. We all know lawyers are very smart....right?
  111. I've sure gotten old!
  112. Blood bros
  113. WHY MEN GO TO BUNNINGS - the truth at last.
  114. caught in the act
  115. Careful wot you ask for
  116. Curtains for us
  117. Long Trip
  118. What a surprise
  119. Complete and finished
  120. Used Car
  121. Christmas day out with the missus
  122. Christmas Joke
  123. Prince O....
  124. A belated Christmas joke
  125. What's For Dinner?
  126. Terrible Noise
  127. Senile??NO way, not me
  128. Elderly Driver
  129. Indian indeces
  130. Rising temperature
  131. Newly Married
  132. Money, money, money.
  133. cat people v dog people
  134. Aussie hopes for next Olympics
  135. Rspca
  136. Candle
  137. Muffins
  138. Murphy
  139. A Tap on the Shoulder...
  140. Senior Moments
  141. Found in the Attic
  142. Racism?
  143. Smart ass
  144. Made a donkey out of him
  145. White wedding
  146. The Saw ?.
  147. The Desert.
  148. Horse meat
  149. Doping in sport
  150. Far fetched