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  1. Frozen Moments
  2. Bad day at the office (or orifice)
  3. The value of undies
  4. Aunt Karen
  5. Waste not , want not.
  6. curry joke worth a read
  7. Robin Hood
  8. Piece of Ash
  9. OLD moments in time
  10. Oil change
  11. Soul Man
  12. Good for a chuckle
  13. tiger woods
  14. cust is always right
  15. trail in the UK
  16. Best chain letter ever
  17. number 11
  18. 2 animal jokes
  19. To Be Six Again
  20. drug warning
  21. Performance appraisal time
  22. Customer complaint
  23. old couple
  24. Don't know what to call this
  25. dead gold fish
  26. Worst Virus Ever
  27. misconceptions about your health
  28. A WHO DONE IT?
  29. men who brag
  30. Randy bugger
  31. lawyer joke
  32. Mechanic
  33. Finish the patio Barry
  34. Aussie Humour
  35. Insanity test!
  36. Santa and some physics
  37. Got this one from the kids
  38. scraping the bottom of the barrel
  39. "Twas the day after Christmas
  40. Twins
  41. Blondes
  42. Top Ten
  43. For Gino!!
  44. Jingle Bells - Aussie version
  45. disease prevention
  46. The boat
  47. The Mermaid
  48. Grandma
  49. Resume Hints
  50. Bunnies???
  51. Computer assistance
  53. gas grill
  54. The Buffalo Theory
  55. Folically Challenged
  56. what do you do..
  57. counting
  59. "JUST HOLD ME"
  60. WHY.
  61. a quote
  62. An Australian Love Poem
  63. Spell Checker
  64. driving
  66. He said ---She said
  67. After church
  68. lipstick
  69. Queen of the skys
  70. Poor dog
  71. Taliban Olympics
  72. Bless You
  73. The Police Can Be Handy
  74. another drunk
  75. Condolences
  76. Old Rooster
  77. Horizontal folk dancing
  78. perfect breakfast
  79. A rare condition
  80. Do it yourself
  81. "PMS & The Hormone Hostage"
  82. Whats wrong with the picture
  83. Firefighter
  84. The Lone Ranger
  85. The Barman
  86. confession
  87. Rebate
  88. Up the Irish
  89. Here Tis!
  90. Carey jokes
  91. ATO
  92. holy water
  93. Blondes
  94. Bruce
  95. Racist?
  96. The evils of drink
  97. ales well that ends well
  98. Memo from Osama
  99. ash tasting
  100. Math points to ponder
  101. Not a joke. Just a bit of fun. MKII
  102. Airport conversation
  103. Wagga ya do Wagga ya don't
  104. Workshop signs -
  105. One reason not to ride a motorbike
  106. Surgeons
  107. Ballerina
  108. FNQ
  109. the latest in DIGITAL clock design
  110. Thought of the day!
  111. Calculatro for the digital clock
  112. Women and Cars
  113. A Pome
  114. Oh sh#t
  115. Wabbits
  116. Beer, the downside........
  117. Watch your fingers!
  118. lawyers
  119. Polly
  120. penguin on holiday
  121. HR Policies
  122. something about a monkey ...
  123. How Blonde is YOUR signifiany other?
  124. Perils of Public Transport
  126. death bed confessions
  127. Things dogs hate
  128. lawyers-hunting rules
  129. Blonde
  130. Ever been short changed ?
  131. Ebay auction thats worth a look.
  132. How to tell the sex of a fly
  133. There once was a farmer........
  134. For the love of sport
  135. loaded question
  136. Words Women Use...
  137. dont you hate it when she is right!
  138. Achieving inner piece
  139. PWC -
  140. Boob Job
  141. With apologies to Kipling
  142. CONDOMS
  143. Flight Info
  144. Quiz Master
  145. Life is good.
  146. Mathematics et. al.
  148. words of wisdom..
  149. Fred Nile
  150. definitions